Summerbook Company

Reading Comprehension 6

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Product Details
Suggested Grades: 6
Number of pages: 128
Write-in workbook: Yes
Answer Key: In Book
Reproducible: No
UPC: 9781609962678

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With over 100 pages of varied reading comprehension activities, Reading Comprehension 6 allows a child to practice a wide variety of comprehension skills. Six large units with multiple exercises and challenges teach and drill such skills as recalling details, fact vs. opinion, making inferences, adapting prior knowledge, main ideas, generalization, comparing and contrasting, giving directions and creative writing.

Paperback. 128 pages.

Available Books in the Master Skills Series

English 1

Reading Comprehension K, Reading Comprehension 1, Reading Comprehension 2, Reading Comprehension 3, Reading Comprehension 4, Reading Comprehension 5, Reading Comprehension 6

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