Summerbook Company

Albert's Insomnia card game

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Product Details
Suggested Grades: 1-6
UPC: 857253002004

Albert's Insomnia is a mental math game using math operations, which can be differentiated for all grades, inclusive of K-5, 6-8 and even high school level students (when factorials and exponents are incorporated into the game). Educators using Albert's Insomnia report playing helps with: mental math; math facts; learning order of operations; developing attention span and concentration, aiding students with ADD/ADHD; communication and social interaction skills practice; critical and creative thinking skills practice; building self-esteem; gives reluctant math students another chance to find math enjoyable!

For first time players, we recommend dealing cards 1, 2, 3 and 4(the 1,2,3,4 are also the first four correct solutions to any hand dealt as simple as taking turns counting). Players just have to find an operation for the next consecutive number. (The record to date with addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division is 28.)

  • Two ways to find bigger flocks: dealing more cards or use exponents and factorials!!
  • Players should state the correct answers to serve as a cue for the other player(s) to remind them what they are solving for next. For example, the first player in a new hand would say " 4 minus 3 equals 1" and could tell player two, "You have to find 2."
  • Educators- Color coded card backs allow for quick easy differentiation based on student's abilities while keeping the game "feel." This is a great warm up to get the cobwebs out and get the brain in gear for any subject!
  • Albert's Insomnia can be played with students that are just starting to learn addition and subtraction. Simply deal out more cards (about 6) and let them add and subtract to see how high they can go. They are still developing the frontal lobes and doing critical and creative thinking skills practice.
  • Albert's Insomnia can continue to be fun and educational for students in high school too! Simply incorporate exponents and factorials into the game!
  • One math teacher, Pat, said they play Last Shepherd Standing with a timer. Students choose the cards to play with and write their card's number on the board. Play begins and students take turns each having 15 seconds to create a correct answer. Correct solutions keep them in the game and standing. The last one standing wins! Pat related that the students want to play every day!

48 cards. Instructions included.

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